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Bernie Watkins

I'm Bernie and lived with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 10 years before diagnosis due to moving around the country and symptoms being put down to early onset osteoarthritis. My initial medication was Sulfasalazine, which disagreed with me terribly; now I take Methotrexate tablets and they've given me a new lease of life and manage a serious bowel condition too.

My experience of physical activity: I've always been keen on swimming, walking and using weights, and have weights at home. As I age it's not so easy to be as active but I've learned to manage activity by having rest days in between. Keeping fit has been a positive in managing my condition. Nevertheless, I get frustrated when physical symptoms can be unpredictable and limiting.

Why I wanted to get involved in MISSION-RA: The RA diagnosis opened up a world of occupational therapy and led me to NRAS. Becoming a member was so beneficial that I wanted to do something in return. There are plenty of research opportunities and I hope that those diagnosed in the future will benefit from our work now.

Where can I get the MISSION-RA app?

It will be available to download (from the Google play or App store), by people wishing to take part in the MISSION-RA intervention in 2025!