I'm Ailsa Bosworth, Co-Lead of the Patient Committee on Mission RA and I am the Founder and National Patient Champion of the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS). I have lived with severe sero-negative inflammatory polyarthritis for over 43 years. As a consequence of being diagnosed so long ago, I have had a substantial amount of surgery and been on most of the medications for RA over that time (with the majority not working for me!).
My experience of physical activity: When I was young I was very active, playing a lot of tennis, skiing, water skiing, dancing, walking etc. Some of the sporting activities had lessened by the time I started getting symptoms when I was 30, but I was still very active. The progression of my disease has, over many years, diminished my ability to be physically active and I have always worked long hours which has also impacted my ability to exercise. I have tried things like Tai Chi but ended up having to give that up at the time due to being unable to stand comfortably for over an hour. I know I should do more strengthening and resistance exercises but after working for a day, find the motivation incredibly hard!
Why I wanted to get involved in MISSION-RA: As NPC for NRAS and having been CEO for 18 years, I know the science and the data behind the many studies that have been conducted on the value of exercise. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever of the benefits of exercising, not only to improve outcomes in Inflammatory arthritis, but for all kinds of other general physical and mental health benefits too. I want to ensure that all those who are newly diagnosed don't suddenly become afraid of exercising thinking (mistakenly) that it will damage their joints. I want people to understand that if they were already doing exercise/sport, that they can keep doing it once things are under control with the right medication and if they weren't physically very active, they need to become more so. It's so important.