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Interview or focus group

Our interview and focus groups study aims to explore the experience of physical activity among people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Interviews and focus groups will aim to provide an insight into the things that make it harder for people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis to be active, as well as things that they might find helpful.

Who are we looking for? We are currently recruiting anyone living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, who is over 18 years old. To be eligible, you also need to be able to stand and walk - this includes people who need to use an assistive device (e.g. cane or walking frame). It does not matter whether you currently take part in any physical activity or not, we are interested in hearing the views and opinions of people who currently do no or very little physical activity, as well as those who may be more physically active.

What would taking part involve? You will be asked to take part in a one on one interview with a researcher, or a focus group with 5-6 other people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. You can choose which one you would prefer to do. The interviews will take about 1 hour. the focus groups will take around 1.5 to 2 hours.

Where? Interviews and focus groups can either be done remotely via zoom, or in person at the University of Birmingham (travel expenses will be paid).

When? We will be interviewing people and conducting focus groups between November 2023, and May 2024.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact the MISSION-RA team at mission-ra@trials.bham.ac.uk, or register your interest here using our contact form.

The Participant Information Sheet is also available to download by clicking the link below. This provides more details about what you will be asked to do if you were to take part in an interview or focus group.

Where can I get the MISSION-RA app?

It will be available to download (from the Google play or App store), by people wishing to take part in the MISSION-RA intervention in 2025!